Too Much of a Good Thing?

Can an ESOP company be too successful? Gregg Kelly of Orthodyne Electronics isn't complaining about how well his company's ESOP has performed, but he does worry that some employees will leave to take advantage of the huge run-up in their stock.

Study Shows Broad Ownership Helps Stabilize IPO Companies

A 1997 study by Theresa Welbourn at Cornell University has found that companies that do an initial public offering and offer stock ownership to most or all employees are more likely to survive than companies with narrower ownership.

CNN to Air Story on Broad-Based Options October 7

CNN's "Newsstand" will air a story on broad-based options on October 7. The show generally appears immediately after "Larry King Live." NCEO director Corey Rosen was interviewed for the story. Other events, of course, may change the planned airing.

Scott Forge Thrives as ESOP Company

Scot Forge in Spring Grove, IL, is one of the oldest ESOPs, with a plan dating back to 1978. The metal forging company was founded in 1893 and sold to an ESOP when the then-current owner decided to use the plan as a means to provide a market for his shares.

Stack Says Ownership Is the Key

Jack Stack, CEO of Springfield ReManufacturing Corporation (SRC) and author of The Great Game of Business, told an 800-person audience at the fifth annual "Gathering of the Games" conference (a meeting on open-book management) that sharing ownership broadly with employees was the key to making op

Stock Option Repricing

With the recent fall in the stock market, the issue of stock option repricing has become a hot topic in many companies.

Employee Ownership Developments in Russia

It has now been four years since the completion of the mass privatization in Russia, a transformation accomplished primarily through transferring shares to employees at little or no cost.

One Major ESOP Sells; Another Starts

Employee-owned Republic Engineered Steels has agreed to be purchased by Blackstone Capital Partners and Veritas Capital Partners in a $420 million transaction. Republic, which is listed on the NYSE, is 54% owned by an ESOP.

FASB Considering New Rules in Option Repricing

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has tentatively decided to require companies to account for the value of stock option repricing on their income statements.

55% of Surveyed Companies Plan to Extend Options Further Downward

A recent survey of 3,000 North American companies by the American Compensation Association found that 63% offered stock options to at least some employees in 1998. 55% of the companies indicated that their option plans would be extended further downward in the organization in 1999.