Australia's Government Is Latest to Propose Promoting Employee Ownership

In the factsheet Budget 2021-2022: Tax Incentives to Support the Economy (PDF, page 10), released on May 11, the treasury of Australia announced that it would propose reforms to enhance employee ownership. The reforms, if enacted as proposed, would change the time at which taxes are due on income from tax-deferred employee share schemes (ESS), which is currently taxed at the cessation of employment.

California and Colorado Legislatures Consider Major Funding Proposals for ESOPs

Several California Assembly and Senate members have written letters to the leaders of the Assembly Budget Committee urging inclusion of a $36.5 million appropriation to fund a one-time effort to support employee ownership in the state. A major tax bill in Colorado would provide $10 million in tax credits for conversion to employee ownership.

Biden Tax Plan Would Spur Sales to Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)

The tax provisions of the Biden administration’s American Families Plan would provide a substantial, if unintentional, boost to employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). The proposal would significantly increase capital gains taxes for wealthy individuals, marginally increase the top individual tax rate, and increase the top marginal corporate tax from 21% to 28%.

Almost One in Eight of the Largest Private Companies Is Employee-Owned

Twenty-five of the largest private companies as ranked by Forbes are employee-owned. There are 219 companies on the list, each with $2 billion in sales or more. Twenty-one of these have ESOPs, two have profit sharing plans that work like ESOPs, one is owned by a trust for employees, and one provides phantom stock to all employees.

Major Texas ESOP Initiative Moving Forward

The Texas House of Representatives has set up a hearing on H.B. 2246, “An act relating to companies in which employees have ownership interests through employee stock ownership plans.”

Canada Moves Forward on Employee Ownership

The Trudeau government has proposed a new budget that contains an important provision to look at ways for Canada to set up employee ownership trusts following the models of US ESOPs and UK Employee Ownership Trusts.

Changing a Company Culture at Onex Inc.

Change is hard even when it's necessary. Just because you have “always done it that way” doesn’t mean it is the right way or even works very well. Sometimes you need to reflect and do a gut check. Does this feel good?  Am I getting the value I need or want from the effort?

The State of Employee Ownership in Europe

On March 31, the European Federation of Employee Share Ownership (EFES) reported on the state of employee ownership in Europe in 2020 in its annual report on employee ownership in European countries. Author Marc Mathieu notes that “the upward trend in the number of employee shareholders continues,” but also that it may be in danger in Europe as it becomes “less and less democratic.”