Changes in 401(k) Plans Could Affect Employee Ownership

Legislation before the House Ways and Means Committee, considered likely to pass, would eliminate anti-discrimination provisions of Section 401(k) plans. Currently, the amount high-income people can contribute is limited by how much lower-paid workers contribute.

German Multinational Sets Up ESOP-Like Program

Continental AG, one of the world's largest tire manufacturers, has set up a broad employee stock ownership program. The program could provide a model for other German companies, including former East German companies being privatized.

New Survey Shows Employee Participation Slow to Get Started

A report from the University of Southern California shows that only 10% of the Fortune 1000 companies are engaged in sophisticated approaches to participative management. The study was commissioned by the Association for Quality and Participation.

...But Not in "Great Game of Business" Companies

Employee participation is thriving at some companies, however, as a recent conference demonstrated. The third annual "Great Game of Business" conference was held in St.

New NCEO Study on Repurchase Obligation

Privately held ESOP companies must repurchase their shares from departing employees. This "repurchase obligation" can be substantial.

COLI Threatened

One of the most touted solutions to the repurchase obligation is corporate owned life insurance (COLI). The House Republican tax bill, however, would eliminate special tax preferences for COLI.

Court Rules on Duty of ESOP Fiduciary to Buy Company Stock

ESOPs are legally intended to be plans that are primarily invested in employer stock. This does not exempt their fiduciaries, however, from the prudence requirement that any particular decision to buy employer stock must be a financially sound one.

United Parcel Service to Become Employee-Owned

Since 1945, United Parcel Service (UPS) has been broadly owned by its 28,000 management and supervisory personnel. Now the 315,000-employee company will make ownership available to all full-time employees.

Is a Flat Tax a Threat to ESOPs?

If Congress passed a flat tax, what would happen to ESOPs and other tax-favored employee ownership plans? At first blush, the answer might seem they would disappear. If there were no more tax deductions, there would be no more tax incentives. In fact, the situation is more complicated.