Roth Court Rules That Stock Is Not "Adequate Security"

In Roth v. Sawyer-Cleator Lumber Co. (CA 8, No. 94-3368, 7/27/95), a U.S. Court of Appeals revisited a case that has been the subject of a number of rulings. Sawyer-Cleator had an ESOP that paid departing employees over 10 years in equal installments with interest.

TWA Bankruptcy Agreement Approved; Employee Ownership Drops to 30%

TWA, which continues to advertise itself as "employee owned," has received approval for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization that it and its unions believe will lead to a recovery. As part of the agreement, however, employee ownership will drop from 45% to 30%.

IRS Ruling on Voting Rights

Within the next few weeks, the IRS will issue a revenue ruling indicating that trustees can vote shares for which ESOP participants do not provide directions.

IRS Looking into Tax Status of COLI

The IRS is looking into the tax status of corporate owned life insurance (COLI), which many employee ownership companies now use to handle repurchase liability.

USAir, Unions Give Up on Concessions

Efforts to trade concessions for ownership at USAir have broken off. Both sides say they are too far apart to reach agreement and will not revisit the issue until contracts expire in 1997.

Malaysia Joins Countries Looking at Employee Ownership

Malaysia, one of the world's fastest-growing economies, is now exploring employee ownership. Workers at its state-owned petroleum firm are being given the first shot at buying shares in the company, which is about to be privatized.

High-Ranking Chinese Delegation Examines Employee Ownership

A delegation of Chinese officials, including the director of the State Commission on Economic Restructuring and several directors of its provincial counterparts, recently completed a three-week tour of the U.S. that included several visits with employee ownership experts and companies.

Delta Pilots Want Ownership

The pilots at Delta Airlines have become the latest union group to ask for stock in return for concessions the company wants the pilots to accept.

Malaysia Pursues Employee Ownership

In late August, a conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur to discuss employee ownership as a business and privatization strategy in Malaysia. Malaysia now joins Jamaica, Argentina, China, and Zimbabwe among non-Western counties looking at this option.