Kemper Securities to Be Sold to ESOP

Kemper Securities, a division of the Kemper Company, will be sold to an ESOP that will own 55% of the company. One percent will go to management and 44% to existing Kemper Company shareholders. Kemper Securities has been a lackluster performer in recent years. It employs 1300 stockbrokers.

USAir, Pilots Agree on Stock for Equity Swap

The pilots union and USAir have agreed on a transaction that would involve substantial concessions in pay and work rules by the pilots in return for board representation and stock. The proposal would only become effective if other labor groups at USAir reach a settlement.

United Launches New Ownership Advertising Campaign

United Airlines has started an extensive series of print and electronic media ads stressing its employee owned character. The ads were kicked off by three page ads in major papers.

Companies Protest FASB Stock Option Proposal

Four hundred companies have petitioned the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in opposition to that body's proposal that companies provide a footnote disclosure of the value of outstanding stock options.

Employee Ownership Moves Forward in Poland

Despite a government environment that ranges from indifferent to unfriendly, employee ownership is still being chosen as one of the most common routes to privatization in Poland.

Employees Now Own 5.8% of All Corporate Equity

The NCEO now estimates that employees own the rights to 5.8% of the corporate stock in the U.S. The estimates are based on Form 5500 filings for ESOPs and 401(k) plans and an estimate of the value of stock options granted broadly to employees.

Progress in Poland

According to Karol Szadurski, head of UNIA, the Polish employee ownership support organization, there are now over 1,000 companies in Poland with broad employee ownership. Karol's fax to us did not indicate what percentage of these were majority employee owned.