Finance and Valuation at the Annual Conference

I'm hearing from a lot of our member companies that as we start getting a clearer picture of the coming post-pandemic era, their planning horizons are starting to get longer again.

2021 to 2022 Academic Fellowships in Employee Ownership

The Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing invites applications from doctoral students and pre/post tenure scholars for the 2021–2022 research fellowship competition.

Free Webinar on EO in the New Administration

We’re excited to introduce our Community Conversations series. These discussions, free and open to the community, will focus on a wide array of timely topics. The goal of this new series is to connect the employee ownership world more broadly while keeping our members, stakeholders, and other interested parties informed on important issues.

Helping Assess ESOP Feasibility for 40 Years

When I first read about ESOPs 43 years ago as a Capitol Hill staffer, I loved the concept but was discouraged by the complexity. Employee ownership was a cause I wanted to make my own, but I was intimidated by the concept and strange (to me) language.

Alert: Spoof email claiming to be from NCEO

Several of our member reported receiving an email this morning from a sending called "Web Cargo" claiming to be the NCEO. This is not from us. The email has the header "NCEO Update / Delivery No. 7481366," and the send-from email address is not an address.

Join Me This February for the Communications Committee Crash Course

The NCEO has put together an online training and networking program for companies, new and old, that want to create employee involvement and help their employees understand what their ESOP really does mean to their company, to employees, and to their families in the long run: the Communications Committee Crash Course.

Biden Appointee Proposes Office of Employee Ownership

In a new report, Why Aren’t There More ESOPs: Assessing Barriers to ESOP Creation, Jared Bernstein, one of the three people Joe Biden named to the Council of Economic Advisers, urges