DOL Will Restructure Employee Benefits Security Administration

Under the newly announced organizational structure of EBSA, units that had reported to to the deputy assistant secretary for program operations, career official Timothy Hauser, will instead report to a political appointee. 

The Business Roundtable: Who Are Shareholders?

Today, the Business Roundtable issued a statement about acting on behalf of all of its stakeholders, rather than just shareholders. Missing from their thinking is a vital question: who are the shareholders? 

CNBC Coverage of Employee Ownership

In an August 11 article, described employee ownership as "one of the only policies that can directly deal with the economic reality that gains in the economy have largely gone to Americans with access to stocks. ESOPs help solve that discrepancy by not only distributing profits of private companies more equally amongst workers, but also giving them more control of the company in turn."

Employee Ownership in Japan

The August 1 edition of Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the main business newspaper of Japan, included an op-ed supporting employee ownership.

The 2019 Employee Ownership 100

Every year the NCEO releases the Employee Ownership 100, the 100 largest companies that are majority-owned by their employees.