DOL and ASA File Briefs in ESOP Valuation Case

On July 24, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of the plaintiffs in a suit against Wilmington Trust, the trustee of the ESOP at Constellis Group, Inc. The DOL's brief follows an earlier brief from the American Society of Appraisers (ASA).

SEC Increases Limit on Rule 701 Exemption

Effective July 23, the SEC adopted new rules (PDF) to increase the amount companies can offer in stock to employees without meeting reporting requirements applicable to public companies from $5 million to $10 million.

UK Report Urges Pro-Employee Ownership Policies

Following an extensive data-collection process, the UK's Employee Ownership Association released a report titled The Ownership Dividend, which found that employee ownership benefits employees, individual businesses, and the economy as

Sierra Aluminum Sold to Samuel

Sierra Aluminum, a formerly ESOP-owned company that was involved in the litigation that led to the first fiduciary process agreement between the Department of Labor and an ESOP fiduciary, a

ESOP Company Transitions to Perpetual Trust Ownership

On July 9, the iconic Organically Grown Company (OGC) announced that it is transitioning its ownership to a perpetual purpose trust. Prior to the transition, OGC was owned by employees and by the farmers it serves in an S corporation ESOP.

Judge Rejects Motion to Dismiss ESOP Participants' Case

ESOP-owned Rainbow Disposal was acquired in 2014 by Republic Services, and plan participants later sued, alleging several violations of ERISA. The defendants offered five separate motions to dismiss the case, but the judge on July 9 ruled that the suit could proceed.

NCEO Employee Ownership Index Doubles S&P Performance for Its First Year

On June 19, 2017, the NCEO created the Employee Ownership Index, an index of 28 publicly traded companies that had both broad-based employee ownership and had won one of three major national employer rating awards, each of which puts a high emphasis on employee engagement (Fortune's Best C

Recruitment Tip

When interviewing candidates, your employee ownership plan may not seem that real or salient if it is only company leadership promoting it. You can make it more real by inviting a non-management employee into the interview with people you are hoping to attract.