Now Accepting Nominations for the NCEO's Board of Directors

Annual elections for the board of directors of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) will take place in January, and members in good standing are invited to nominate themselves or other members during the nomination window, from now until December 8.

Employee-Owned Company Wins Community Award

Tanimura & Antle, an employee-owned agricultural firm, was recognized for its work to improve the quality of life of its workforce, both by providing housing and by increasing the safety of harvest operations.

DOL Enters into New Process Agreement with ESOP Trustee

In an agreement flowing out of Acosta v. Bat Masonry Company (W.D. Va. Sept. 29, 2017), the Department of Labor and ESOP trustee James Joyner entered into a process agreement that very closely mirrors the 2014 GreatBanc process agreement.

Legislators Making the Case for Employee Ownership

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), one of the four sponsors of the pro-employee-ownership WORK Act (along with Maggie Hassan [D-NH], Bernie Sanders [I-VT], and Patrick Leahy [D-VT]), is promoting employee ownership, including paying a visit to ESOP-owned company

ESOP-Owned Country Curtains to Liquidate

On October 4, the shareholders of Country Curtains, 40% owned by its employees through an ESOP, voted to liquidate the company, following the recommendation of the company's board of directors.

Tax Reform and ESOPs

The tax reform framework issued by the Trump Administration, not surprisingly, does not say anything about ESOPs.

Poll Shows Support for Employee Ownership Legislation

A new online survey of 800 respondents by John Zogby Strategies for Employee-Owned S Corporations of America (ESCA) found that 62% would like their own Congressional representatives to vote for a bill that is presently before both houses of Congress that would make it easier for owners of S corpo