Massachusetts Governor Vetoes Appropriation for State Center

Our last update noted that the Massachusetts legislature had approved a bill that would restore funding to the Massachusetts Office of Employee Involvement and Ownership (MassEIO). On July 17, Governor Charlie Baker (R) vetoed various parts of the budget, including the funding for the MassEIO.

DOL Reaches Settlement with New York ESOP Company

On July 21, the Department of Labor announced that it had agreed to a $5.5 million settlement in Acosta v. Ginsberg. The DOL alleged that the founder of the company received an inflated price when he sold 50% of his shares to the ESOP in 2009.

Employee Owners Win "Made in Alaska" Award

On July 24, Alaska Governor Bill Walker presented the Alaska Manufacturer of the Year award to ESOP-owned Alaska Mill & Feed. President Joel Klessens said, "Our 65 employees invest a lot of themselves in their work.

Certificate for Non-Professional Fiduciaries: September 11-12 in Ohio

The Beyster Institute at UC San Diego will host its popular training program for ESOP trustees and other fiduciaries for the first time outside of California. The program, which will be hosted by the Ohio Employee Ownership Center at Kent State University, will cover: