Alexander Acosta Confirmed as Secretary of Labor

On April 27, the Senate confirmed Alexander Acosta as the new Secretary of Labor, following a 100-day vacancy. Little is known about Secretary Acosta's views on employee ownership or ESOPs, but quick action is unlikely.

New Research on Job Stability and Employee Ownership

In the book How Did Employee Ownership Firms Weather the Last Two Recessions?, co-authors Fidan Kurtulus and Douglas Kruse explore new data about job stability at employee ownership companies during the Great Recession. Dr.


When potential acquirers express a serious interest that is hard to say no to, the next step is often to perform a due diligence assessment. That is a demanding and costly process for the CFO and other managers at an ESOP company.

Pro-ESOP Bill Advances in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler County) and Senator Stewart Greenleaf (R-Montgomery County) have created joint legislation to mirror federal law as it applies to the deferral of capital gains taxation for sales of C corporation stock to an ESOP (the "1042 election").

Marketplace Interview on Employee Ownership

On April 20, Harvard economist Richard Freeman spoke with the NPR show Marketplace, where he discusses why increasing automation means that more people should become employee-owners.

The NCEO's 2016 Annual Report

2016 was an excellent year for the NCEO, with record conference attendance, new publications, and bold new research.

The NCEO's ESOP Executive Compensation Survey

The prior Update included some highlights from the NCEO's ESOP Executive Compensation Survey, which collects and presents some of the only data on executive compensation specific to ESOP companies.

Employee Ownership Dwindling in Technology Companies?

In Tech Companies Are Shutting Employees Out of the Stock Market's Boom on the Fortune magazine website, Joseph Blasi observes that "the percentage of employees with equity stakes in innovative industries, such as comp