ESOPs 101 for CPAs: A Program at the Beyster Institute

On February 2, the Beyster Institute at the University of San Diego will offer a half-day class designed to help CPAs work with clients interested in ESOPs. The program will cover the advantages of ESOPs and what makes them a good or bad fit for a company.

UK to End "Shares for Rights" Plan

On November 23, the United Kingdom's chancellor, Philip Hammond, announced that the government would end the tax benefits associated with "employee shareholder status" (ESS) and would abolish the status itself at the next legislative opportunity.

The Trump Administration's Labor Department

[Update on December 9: The Trump transition team announced one of the candidates in our original story, Andrew Puzder, as the nominee for Secretary of Labor.

Selected Media Coverage of Employee Ownership

The Portland Press Herald ran a November 24 story titled More Maine construction companies are embracing employee ownership, citing three transactions this year: W

What Does the Presidential Election Mean for Employee Ownership?

One of the few clear implications of last week's election is that the character and policy agendas of both parties will inevitably change. Many traditional core principles of the Republican Party establishment do not bind president-elect Trump, who strongly identifies as a change candidate.

The Elections and Congress

Last week's elections saw many ESOP champions return to Congress, with some important exceptions. Some highlights follow: