An Employee Ownership Version of the Gig Economy

Uber and Lyft are the best known companies in the so-called "gig economy," in which work is done by independent contractors on a job-by-job basis and mediated by mobile technology.

Remembering David Ackerman

David Ackerman of Morgan Lewis, who passed away this year, was one of the most respected NCEO authors and most loved advisors in the ESOP community. We have been touched by people's desire to remember him.

The NCEO's 2015 Annual Report

The highlights of the NCEO's ongoing and new projects is available in our 2015 annual report.

Employee Ownership Again Common in Best 100 Companies to Work For

Thirty-seven of the 73 companies with stock on the Fortune 2016 Best Companies to Work For list have some kind of broad-based ownership plan (27 employers on the list are partnerships, nonprofits, or subsidiaries of foreign corporations). The percentage is consistent with prior years.

The 2016 NCEO Board of Directors

The NCEO welcomes four new directors to our board. Elizabeth Bauer, Barbara Clough, Amanda DeVito, and Veronica Ortiz all have terms that begin today. In addition, James Mauch and Neil Brozen are both returning for second terms. See the list of directors.

ESOPs and the Trucking Industry

According to an article in the online magazine of the trucking industry, trucking companies are starting to turn to employee ownership as a way to tackle employee attrition,

Courts Continue to Favor Defendants After Dudenhoeffer

In a detailed ruling, a district court ruled in Coburn v. Evercore Tr. Co., N.A, No. 1:15-cv-00049-RBW (D.D.C. Feb. 17, 2016), that an unsuccessful change in business strategy was not enough to meet the special circumstances standard outlined in the Fifth Third Bancorp v.

Harpoon Brewery in Forbes

In an interview with Dan Kenary, the CEO of Harpoon Brewery, Forbes contributor Roberta Matuson asked why Kenary had adopted an ESOP. "I did this because I wanted our employees to fully participate in the value that we are creating," he said.