2016 UPenn Program for ESOP Company Executives

The Center for Organizational Dynamics at the University of Pennsylvania will host a program for CEOs of ESOP companies, covering topics such as the challenges and opportunities unique to leading an ESOP company, practical ideas to promote employee engagement, implications of recent research, and

NCEO Board Elections Close January 29

Members in good standing of the NCEO should have received their ballots for the 2016 elections for the NCEO's board of directors by email on January 4.


NCEO members recently received the January-February 2016 newsletter. The cover story on current trends in ESOPs incorrectly stated the value of plan assets. Total plan assets as of the end of 2013 are $1.2 trillion, not $1.2 billion.

Results of the ESOP Transaction Survey

The NCEO's first-ever ESOP transaction survey shows a number of trends in how companies structure, manage, and evaluate ESOP transactions.

NCEO Board Elections Open Today

Members in good standing of the NCEO will receive their ballots for the 2016 elections for the NCEO's board of directors by email today. For memberships that cover more than one person, only the primary member will receive a ballot.

DOL Continues ESOP Enforcement Project

During a webinar sponsored by the American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits, Mabel Capolongo, the Department of Labor's director of enforcement, said that the department was continuing its national enforcement project on ESOPs.

Federal Reserve Defers Rulemaking on ESOPs

On December 4, the Federal Reserve issued a final ruling for common equity requirements for bank holding companies not organized as stock corporations.

NCEO Board Nominations Close on Friday

The deadline for potential candidates to be nominated for the NCEO's board of directors is this Friday, December 18. Annual elections for the board will take place in January, and members in good standing are invited to nominate themselves or other members.