NCEO Board Nominations

Annual elections for the board of directors of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) will take place in January, and members in good standing are invited to nominate themselves or other members during the nomination window, from November 4 until December 18.

The NCEO Will Seek Nominations for Its Board of Directors

On November 4, the NCEO will begin accepting nominations to serve on its board of directors for the term that begins April 1, 2016. (We will post nomination instructions at that time.) All members in good standard are eligible, and the election will be held in January.

Initial Results from the ESOP Transaction Survey

The NCEO's first-ever survey asking companies about their ESOP transactions is now closed. We will be releasing data from the survey over the upcoming months, but initial results show that the vast majority (93%) of respondents are either satisfied or very satisfied with their transactions.

Downturn in China's Stock Market Affects Employees

One effect of the dramatic decline in the stock of China's publicly traded companies has been to cause substantial losses for employees who participated in stock purchase programs.

Indian Government Considers Replacing Incentive Pay with Stock Options

The Indian Finance Ministry proposed that state-owned enterprises be required to provide all performance-related pay to executives in the form of stock options, known in India as employee stock option plans (ESOPs); as with China, the acronym refers to something quite different from a US ESOP.