Do ESPPs Bolster Retirement Security?

In ESPPs Can Help Insulate Retirement Savings, Sara Kelly of Plan Sponsor magazine argues that, although employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs) are not retirement plans, they can

Clinton Launches Campaign With Theme of an "Inclusive Economy"

On June 13, Hilary Clinton formally launched her campaign for president with a promise "to build an inclusive economy." Among the examples of the policies that might be included in such a platform, she said, "I will give new incentives to companies that give their employees a fair share of the pr

Employee Ownership at Huawei

The June 11 article Huawei's Culture is the Key to Its Success in the Harvard Business Review traces much of the telecommunication firm Huawei's culture to its employee ownership.

DOL Files Lawsuit Against Gruber Systems

Alleging that the company's ESOP overpaid for the shares it purchased in two transactions, the Department of Labor filed a lawsuit on June 3 against Gruber Systems Inc. and its CEO John Hoskinson.

IRS Plans to Drop Determination Letters for Individually Designed Plans

Due to budget constraints, the IRS plans to stop issuing determination letters for periodic compliance. Under current procedures, companies file for letters of determination in a five-year cycle. The process allows companies to receive IRS validation of plan changes.

ESOP Companies Acquiring Other Companies at a Rapid Rate

Data on ESOP formation suggest that new ESOPs are being created at a slightly lower rate than existing ones are terminated. But that only tells part of the story. Based on a survey of ESOP attorneys, we estimate that between 300 and 400 companies are acquired by ESOP companies annually.