Can We Do It Ourselves?

A film titled Can We Do It Ourselves? explores the political economy and economic philosophy behind democratic control of companies by workers.

Free Equity Compensation App from, a resource for information and resources on stock options and other forms of equity compensation has released a free app that features glossary terms, term-of-the-day, and an interactive quiz equity and executive compensation terms.

Worker Co-op Conference July 10-12, 2015, in Massachusetts

The Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy (ECWD) will be July 10-12 at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. This biennial conference of the eastern region of the US welcomes worker cooperators, co-op developers, community and labor activists, funders, academics, and journalists.

Pro-ESOP Legislation Introduced in House

On April 29, Representatives Dave Reichert (R-WA) and Ron Kind (D-WI) introduced the Promotion and Expansion of Private Employee Ownership Act of 2015 (H.R. 2096).

2015 Employee Ownership Conference: Thank You!

The NCEO staff and board thank the 1,420 people who joined us in Denver last week for the annual Employee Ownership Conference. Attendance set another record, with an 18% increase over last year's record. Mary Tilley of W.L.

2015 Vermont Employee Ownership Conference

The Vermont Employee Ownership Center will host its annual conference on June 2 in Colchester, VT, featuring a keynote by Steve Voigt, former CEO of King Arthur Flour Company, and 18 focused workshops designed to both inspire and inform.