New NCEO Study on Default Rates for ESOP Loans

Based on an analysis of 1,232 leveraged ESOP transactions at three large banks, 1.3% of ESOP companies in the sample defaulted on their loans in a way that imposed losses on their creditors for loans in effect between 2009 and 2013 (an average annual rate of 0.2%).

Rollup Creates Largest Worker Cooperative in Maine

Employees of three rural businesses in Maine worked with the Cooperative Development Institute and the Independent Retailers Shared Services Cooperative to form a new business, the Island Employee Cooperative (IEC), which bought the three businesses from their original owners.

Comments on ESOP Article in Wall Street Journal

In a June 23, 2014, article in the Wall Street Journal, Ruth Simon and Sarah Needleman note that the "federal government is stepping up scrutiny" of ESOP valuations, driven by concern especially at the Department of Labor (DOL).

NCEO Releases Revised Key ESOP Data

The NCEO now estimates that there were 8,926 companies with ESOPs and similar plans in the United States at the end of 2011, including 6,941 companies with ESOPs and 1,985 with plans that, while not ESOPs, share a number of similar features.

DOL and GreatBanc Settle Valuation Lawsuit

The Department of Labor brought a 2012 suit against GreatBanc Trust Co., alleging that in 2006 it allowed the Sierra Aluminum ESOP to overpay for company shares. In the settlement, GreatBanc and its insurers will pay $5.3 million, including $4.8 million to the ESOP and $0.5 million in penalties.

New York City Council Considers Support for Coop Development

A proposal before the New York City Council would allocate $1.2 million to support a Worker Cooperative Business Development Initiative. The initiative would provide financial and technical assistance to worker cooperatives and would coordinate training resources.

PBS Stations to Air Documentary on Worker Ownership

Public television stations around the country will run the documentary ShiftChange, a film that describes worker cooperatives in the United States and investigates the connections to the Mondragon cooperatives in the Basque region of Spain.

The Citizen's Share on Television and in Paperback

Joseph Blasi, one of the three authors of The Citizen's Share: Reducing Inequality in the 21st Century (the others are Douglas Kruse and Richard Freeman), appeared on television to discuss his book about employee ownership, equity compensation, and profit sharing.