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Why is My TPA Asking for All this Information?


Continuing Education Credit Offered: CPE, Generic, ASPPA

This session will discuss the year end questionnaire, census and trust accounting process. The presenters will review the importance of the data provided, why your provider needs this information, and what the plan sponsor should review when the TPA provides reporting.


Learning Objectives

1. Gain a general understanding of the importance of complete accurate census information.

2. Learn how your ESOP bank statements are reconciled.

3. Understand what documentation is needed for deceased employees, QDROs, and participants who terminate due to disability.


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Mr. Kip Kuster headshot

Mr. Kip Kuster

Kip is a Sr. ESOP Administrator at Blue Ridge ESOP Associates focused primarily on ESOP administration, repurchase obligation studies, pre-transaction ERISA compliance testing and plan design, and From 5500 preparation. Kip is a member of the National Center for Employee Ownership, American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA), the ESOP Association, and an associate member of The ESOP Association,s Advisory Committee on Administration.
Laura Robertson headshot

Laura Robertson

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Thank you to our Sponsors

Blue Ridge
McDermott Will & Emery
PCE Investment Bankers, Inc.
Strategic Talent Partners
Texas Center for Employee Ownership