2023 Survey Results: Executive and Board Director Compensation in ESOPs

The NCEO is one of the only sources of compensation data focused exclusively on employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). This year, the NCEO gathered comprehensive data from ESOP companies on both executive compensation and board director compensation, along with board makeup and demographic questions. From August 2023 to September 2023, 383 valid responses were received. All respondents are privately held companies with an ESOP. Most are S corporations (92%) and 86% are 100% ESOP-owned.
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Acquisitions and Integrations, Who You Gonna Call?

By Daniel Goldstein, CEO, Folience Time is the enemy of all deals. Because of that, as an acquisition is being pursued, both sides are likely laser-focusing their time and energy on getting the deal to close.
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Acquisitions: ESOP Holding Companies

In recent years, ESOP companies have been on an acquisition binge, with more companies being acquired by ESOPs than there are new ESOPs. A growing number of ESOP companies are now organized as holding companies to do this.
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Anatomy of an ESOP Transaction

ESOP transactions are usually described in very general terms, but it can often help to walk through a specific and fairly complex one.
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