Calibre Wins 2021 Achievement Award at Fall Forum

We gave our annual Achievement Award to Calibre, whose video won for its creativity, humor, and energy. Bridges Health was the runner-up, with an energetic and inclusive video.

California and Colorado Legislatures Consider Major Funding Proposals for ESOPs

Several California Assembly and Senate members have written letters to the leaders of the Assembly Budget Committee urging inclusion of a $36.5 million appropriation to fund a one-time effort to support employee ownership in the state. A major tax bill in Colorado would provide $10 million in tax credits for conversion to employee ownership.

California Bill Would Provide Major Impetus for Employee Ownership

In what would be the most significant step forward by a state yet, Senator Josh Becker introduced the Expanding Employee Ownership Act, which would provide outreach, financing, and technical assistance for conversions to employee ownership.

Case Study: TDIndustries - Servant Leaders and Employee Ownership

TD’s employees—partners, as the company calls them—own all the shares through an employee stock ownership plan. Its business model has made it not just successful financially, but one of the most consistently honored “best place to work” companies.
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Cases and Rulings, May/June 2019

Highlights: IBM to appeal stock ruling to Supreme Court DOL Wants to Set Lower Bar than Court for ESOP Lawsuits Sellers and Company Can Be Held as Fiduciaries Even When Independent Trustee Hired and Be Based on When Actual Knowledge Occurred
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Changing a Company Culture at Onex Inc.

Change is hard even when it's necessary. Just because you have “always done it that way” doesn’t mean it is the right way or even works very well. Sometimes you need to reflect and do a gut check. Does this feel good?  Am I getting the value I need or want from the effort?