ESOP Pass-Through Voting and the New DOL Guidance on Proxy Voting

New guidance from the U.S. Department of Labor on proxy voting of shares in retirement plans, including on environmental, social, and governance metrics, includes a brief section addressing whether trustees can and should override participant directions on offers to buy shares in a proposed acquisition of an ESOP company.

ESOP Trucking Company Praised in White House Ceremony

In recognition of their increased and successful efforts amid the coronavirus outbreak, President Trump praised a number of shipping and trucking companies, including Tennessee-based ESOP Big G Express.

ESOP-Owned Black & Veatch Focuses on Sustainable Energy

ESOP-owned Black & Veatch is announcing that it will be withdrawing from design, power, and construction that is reliant on coal. It will instead be putting resources toward renewable and sustainable forms of energy, with a goal of reducing its industry’s overall carbon footprint.

ESOP-Owned Company MEC Goes Public

On May 9, shares of the metal fabrication company Mayville Engineering Company (MEC) began trading publicly on the New York Stock Exchange as company CEO Bob Camphuis rang the market's opening bell.