SBA Simplifies Valuation Requirements for ESOP Transactions

When it became law in 2018, the Main Street Employee Ownership Act was widely seen as a boost to employee ownership by facilitating SBA financing, but so far, it has had only a minor impact, supporting the financing for fewer than a dozen ESOP transactions. The U.S.

SBA Updates Guidance on Payroll Protection Program Compliance

On May 13, 2020, the SBA, in consultation with the Department of the Treasury, updated its Frequently Asked Questions to include a new Question 46 that provides additional guidance about the certification needed to prove that the funds were necessary in order to maintain payroll and thus eligible for forgiveness.

SECURE Act Changes Rules for Required Minimum Distributions

One provision in the recently enacted SECURE Act provides that required minimum distributions for former plan participants who still have accounts now do not have to start until those participants reach age 72.

State Small Business Credit Initiative Program Now Allows Funding for Employee Ownership

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 included an appropriation of $10 billion for another round of funding for the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI), a program that has been in place since 2010. SSBCI funds might make it easier for lenders to ESOPs to provide larger and less collateralized ESOP loans or for mezzanine lenders to loan at lower rates.

Succession Planning Beyond the CEO

Every company needs a plan for replacing the chief executive, even if the CEO does not have a plan yet. But what about succession planning for other key leaders and roles? More than one cohort of the NCEO’s CEO network dug into this topic last month.