Multiple Bottom Lines: Employee Ownership and Benefit Corporations

During the last 15 years, benefit corporations have seen explosive growth. Originally inspired by frustration about the lack of a legal tool to allow Ben & Jerry’s to resist being purchased by Unilever, benefit corporations are intended to facilitate socially responsible businesses.
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NCEO Resources: Transaction Elements of Successful ESOPs

When doing an ESOP transaction, it’s natural to focus on the deal structure, financing, plan rules, valuation, and other steps to crossing the finish line. But there are other steps worth taking early on to ensure the ESOP works well for everyone involved.
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New ESOP Executive Compensation Survey Data Now Available

The NCEO has surveyed ESOP companies since 2015 on their executive compensation to provide robust and ESOP-specific third-party compensation data. Our 2020 ESOP Executive Compensation survey received 424 valid responses, the largest group in the survey’s history.
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Owners' Page: What Do ESOP Company Boards Do?

Boards of directors can be something of a mystery to employee-owners. Who is on them and what do they do? Do they run the company or just act on a few major issues? Whose interests are they meant to protect?

Results from the 2021 ESOP Corporate Governance Survey

The NCEO ESOP Corporate Governance Survey is designed to help companies learn how other companies are handling the unique governance issues faced by ESOPs. This year’s survey collected responses through May and June from 302 privately held ESOP companies.
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Taking Stock: How is Your Board Doing?

Many of you reading this have boards on which most directors are not employees of your company, and that’s the situation at the NCEO too. Our board has 21 outside directors and two insiders. Each of the NCEO’s directors makes the board stronger.
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