IRS to Hold Off on ESPP and Options Withholding Rule

For the last few years, the IRS has been raising the issue of whether companies should be withholding taxes on gains made from employee exercises of incentive stock options when there is a disqualifying disposition and on employee purchases of stock in an employee stock purchase plan.

IRS to Issue Preapproved ESOP Plan Documents?

Robert Richter, vice-president of SunGard and senior vice-president of the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries, has told the BNA Pension Reporter (April 20) that the IRS is considering providing preapproved plan language for ESOPs.

IRS to Issue Sample Plan Amendments for New Tax Law

The IRS has promised to issue sample amendments to allow companies to change their retirement plans to conform to the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001. Companies could just incorporate the language or use it as a model.

IRS Webinar to Cover Preapproved Plans

The IRS's September 17 webinar will cover a number of topics, one of which is its new initiative to allow preapproved ESOP and cash-balance plans. Registration is required.

IRS Withholding Tax Memo on ESPPs and ISOs Getting Attention

The IRS's announced intention to reconsider its position on not requiring withholding tax on disqualifying dispositions of stock under Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs) and Incentive Stock Option plans (ISOs) is getting considerable attention.

IRS/Treasury Release Proposed ESPP and Incentive Stock Option Regulations

On July 29, the IRS and the Treasury Department released proposed regulations relating to options granted under an IRC Section 423 employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) and under IRC Sections 422 (ISOs) and 421 (taxation of stock transferred under IRC Sections 422 and 423).

IRS: Compliance Issues at ESOP Companies

The IRS issued a news release on August 9 stating that as part of “an expanded focus on ensuring high-income taxpayers pay what they owe,” it was warning “businesses and ta

Is 2019 the Year of Employee Ownership?

Writing in the Intercept, reporter Rachel Cohen reviewed the year in employee ownership politics and legislation. She noted the long-time advocacy by Sen.

Is a Flat Tax a Threat to ESOPs?

If Congress passed a flat tax, what would happen to ESOPs and other tax-favored employee ownership plans? At first blush, the answer might seem they would disappear. If there were no more tax deductions, there would be no more tax incentives. In fact, the situation is more complicated.

Is an ESOP Right for You? Dallas, Texas–Speakers Announced!

We're thrilled to announce our highly anticipated 1.5-day seminar Is an ESOP Right for You? in Dallas, TX, from February 5-6, 2024. This event will provide entrepreneurs, business owners, and HR professionals with comprehensive insights into ESOP transaction structures, plan design, financing, and more in response to the expanding ESOP landscape.