Kerkorian Proposes Employee Ownership in Chrysler Bid

Maybe employee ownership is catching on, at least as a way to help finance troubled companies. Financier Kirk Kerkorian has proposed sharing ownership with union workers at Chrysler in return for their agreeing to changes in health care costs. The UAW did not respond.

Kiplinger Urges Spreading Ownership to Employees Broadly

Knight Kiplinger, editor in chief of the widely read Kiplinger letters, has urged that to fix excessive CEO pay, companies should start spreading ownership to all employees. Kiplinger says his "personal favorite" approach is the ESOP, but he would also favor granting options to all employees.

Know Your ESOP Quiz: Half Price for NCEO Members

How can you find out if employee-owners understand the technical aspects of your ESOP? The NCEO has developed the Know Your ESOP Quiz, a 10-item questionnaire that measures employees' understanding of important aspects of how ESOPs work.

Kodak Settles Stock-Drop Lawsuit

Participants in Kodak's 401(k) and ESOP filed a class action lawsuit in 2012 after the Kodak stock in their accounts became worthless due to Kodak's bankruptcy, and on April 27 a federal district court judge approved a $9.7 million settlement.

Korea Moves to Encourage Employee Ownership

Korea has long had laws that provide incentives for companies and employees to buy shares in their companies, but a recent article in the Korea Times notes that the government recently a

Korea Passes New Employee Ownership Legislation

Korea has created the framework for a new employee ownership law. Under existing law, Korea has an employee stock purchase program not unlike those in the U.S. Take-up on the plan, however, is light.