Loren Rodgers to Join NCEO Staff

Loren Rodgers, a long-time senior principal of Ownership Associates, has joined to the NCEO staff. Loren will be working on ownership culture, research, and ESOP issues.

Maine Law Encourages Employee Ownership in Renewable Energy Sector

A new law in Maine, LD 1969, directs the Maine Public Utilities Commission to require that any renewable energy project in the state receiving $50,000 or more in state funding to meet certain labor standards, including paying prevailing wages.

Major Indian Tea Plantation Becomes Employee-Owned

Ninety-two percent of the 13,000 employees of Kanan Devon Hills Plantations (KDP), a South Indian tea plantation, have purchased stock to buy the company from its owner, Tata Tea.

Major Texas ESOP Initiative Moving Forward

The Texas House of Representatives has set up a hearing on H.B. 2246, “An act relating to companies in which employees have ownership interests through employee stock ownership plans.”

Major Wins for Employee Ownership in New Spending Bill

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, an omnibus spending bill with many parts, contains major wins for employee ownership as part of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, including the passage of the WORK Act.