NASPP Survey Shows ESPPs Somewhat More Conservative

Preliminary results from the 2007 "Trends in Equity Compensation" survey by the National Association of Stock Plan Professionals and Deloitte show that employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs) have become somewhat more conservative in response to accounting rule changes that became fully effective i

NASPP/Deloitte 2010 Stock Plan Survey

The 2010 National Association of Stock Plan Professionals/Deloitte Consulting "Trends and Analysis from the 2010 Domestic Stock Plan Design Survey" shows some decline in broad-based stock plans but demonstrates that these plans are still alive and well, with at least 25% of non-exempt employees e

National Survey of Worker Cooperatives

In The 2017 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector Report (registration required), the Democracy at Work Institute and the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives share the results of their survey of worker cooperatives.