NCEO Member Survey Preliminary Results

The NCEO's first survey of its ESOP membership is underway (a survey on equity compensation and one for service providers will follow). Results will change as more companies complete the survey, but some preliminary highlights are emerging:

NCEO Partners in New Technology to Predict Effects of Executive Pay

OAKLAND, Calif., April 1: The National Center for Employee Ownership, working in conjunction with a major medical imaging company, will soon announce a breakthrough technology to help companies better measure how varying approaches to executive compensation affect executive performance.

NCEO Releases Revised Key ESOP Data

The NCEO now estimates that there were 8,926 companies with ESOPs and similar plans in the United States at the end of 2011, including 6,941 companies with ESOPs and 1,985 with plans that, while not ESOPs, share a number of similar features.