NCEO to Open Board Elections on January 6

NCEO members in good standing will receive an email invitation to the ballot for our 2014 election for the board of directors. The election will run through February 5, and the new directors will begin their terms during the annual conference.

NCEO to Sponsor OEOC Conference

As I wrote in a blog post from July 30, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center's conference is just around the corner. The event, scheduled for Thursday, August 20, from 8:30 a.m.

NCEO Update

A number of members have asked how the NCEO is faring in the recession. I am pleased (and grateful) to report that we are doing quite well.

NCEO Volunteer Opportunities

There are a number of ways people can help the NCEO accomplish its mission of providing good information on broad-based employee ownership.

NCEO Welcomes New Directors

Thank you to all of the members who voted in the 2017 board elections. The staff and board of the NCEO give our congratulations to the new and returning directors, who will serve terms from April 1, 2017, to March 31, 2020. The seven new directors are:

NCEO Welcomes New Members to Board of Directors

The NCEO welcomes three new members to its board of directors. John Brown is the founder and CEO of the Business Enterprise Institute, a national network of exit planners. Adele Connors is the CEO of Adworkshop, an ESOP-owned marketing agency.

NCEO Works with South Africa on Employee Ownership

Corey Rosen, NCEO's senior staff member, traveled to South Africa in February to meet with government officials and speak at workshops on how the South African government can expand employee ownership. There are currently an estimated 500 employee ownership plans in South Africa.

NCEO's ESOP Executive Compensation Survey Closes January 6

Thanks to the companies that have filled out the NCEO's survey on executive compensation in ESOP companies, we now have over 300 responses. People who completed the survey will receive a prerelease copy of the results as soon as they have been compiled.