NCEO/ESCA Research: ESOPs, Wealth, and Jobs

Since the February 1 release of the NBC News Now story “Instead of ‘I quit,’ workers at these companies say they’re staying put and reaping rewards,” inspired by new NCEO research suppo

NESTEG Bill Allows S ESOPs to Use All Distributions to Pay for Loans

In September, the Senate Finance Committee passed the National Employee Savings and Trust Equity Guarantee Act, a broad retirement plan reform bill that contains many of the same provisions passed the year before to address post-Enron concerns about diversification of employee stock in 401(k) pla

Netherlands Passes New Options Law

Under a new law passed in the Netherlands, previously one of the most option-unfriendly tax jursidictions, employees can choose to have their options taxed on grant or on the spread at exercise.

New 401(k)/401(m) Rules Simplify Integrating ESOPs and 401(k) Plans

In recent years, it has become more common for companies (particularly publicly traded companies) to integrate their 401(k) plans and ESOPs, using the ESOP to make their corporate match and, in many cases, allowing employees to invest in company stock as an option for their deferrals.

New 409A Corrections Program Released

In Notice 2007-100, the IRS has provided details on transition relief for deferred compensation taxation rules under Section 409A.

New 409A Deferred Compensation Regulations Issued

The new regulations for deferred compensation taxation have been issued-all 400 pages of them. For equity compensation plans, the rules are basically the same, but they allow companies to give departed employees more time to exercise options without triggering the tax.