New NCEO Study on Participation

A new study by the NCEO has found that publicly traded companies with more than 10% employee ownership are neither more nor less likely to involve their workers in Total Quality Management (TQM) programs, work teams, mini-business units, quality circles, or other forms of participative management

New NCEO Study on Repurchase Obligation

Privately held ESOP companies must repurchase their shares from departing employees. This "repurchase obligation" can be substantial.

New NCEO Study on Stock Options Out Soon

A new NCEO study concludes that 5 million employees work for companies with broad stock option plans. The estimate is probably conservative, but still reflects the enormous growth is this approach to employee ownership.

New NCEO Survey on Stock Option Plan Design

In conjunction with TriNet VCO, a venture capital resource company in San Leandro, CA, the NCEO recently conducted a survey on stock option plan design in companies receiving venture capital financing.

New NCEO Webinars: Financial Wellness for ESOP Participants

Many ESOP companies provide financial wellness education for employees—and even more should. Employees really appreciate the help in learning how to think about wealth-building strategies for the long term, and especially how their ESOP accounts fit into that.