New Survey Reveals Option Plan Changes in 2003

A newly released survey from Sibson Consulting and WorldatWork of 336 publicly traded companies shows that eligibility for option awards dropped from 37% of nonexempt employees in 2002 to 27% in 2003. For sales staff, 67% of employees were eligible in 2002, compared to 57% in 2003.

New Survey Shows Employee Participation Slow to Get Started

A report from the University of Southern California shows that only 10% of the Fortune 1000 companies are engaged in sophisticated approaches to participative management. The study was commissioned by the Association for Quality and Participation.

New Surveys on Options Issues

A new study by Credit Suisse First Boston of the impact of stock options on profitability in banks shows that not showing the cost of options on income statements in 47 banks resulted in earnings being 4% higher than would have been the case if the present value of the options were accounted for

New Tax Bill Includes Significant Changes for Employee Ownership

The "Back to Small Business Job Protection Act" (the small business tax incentives feature of the Minimum Wage Bill) contains a number of provisions important to employee ownership. The bill has now been passed by the Congress and should be signed in the next few weeks by the President.

New Tax Law Extends Shorter Period for Recognition of Built-In Gains Tax

The American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) made changes in the recognition period for built-in gains taxes for C corporations converting to S status. In the past, the law provided that such companies must pay tax on the sale of appreciated assets for 10 years after conversion.

New Tax Rules Could Make ESOPs More Attractive

Starting in 2013, business owners selling their companies will face significantly higher taxes on the sale proceeds. Appropriately structured sales to ESOPs allow sellers to defer capital gains taxes, and higher rates will make that deferral more valuable.

New Towers Perrin Study Shows Expensing Won't Affect Share Prices

In a new study, Towers Perrin analysts Michael Grund and Richard Ericson looked at 335 companies that voluntarily chose to expense options between April 2, 2001, and August 14, 2003 ( "Options Expensing Announcement Has No Impact on Share Prices," March 31, 2004).