Newark Mayor Makes Employee Ownership Economic Centerpiece

In his state of the city address on March 12, Newark mayor Ras Baraka made employee ownership a centerpiece of his economic policy. Baraka said, "We are encouraging employee ownership, and residential- and worker-owned cooperatives.

News Coverage of Employee Ownership

In a CNN essay that starts with the recent announcement about Hamilton, Justin Talbot-Zorn and Jove Oliver talk about the politics of employee ownership, noting bipartisan efforts to support it, from

News from the Beyster Institute

The Beyster Institute at the University of California San Diego's Rady School of Business will hold its fourth certificate program for non-professional ESOP trustees from February 21 to 24.

Newsletter Article on State Capital Gains: Clarification

The summary chart accompanying the March-April 2017 Employee Ownership Report article on State Capital Gains Taxation in ยง1042 Transactions indicated that New Jersey does not follow the federal definition of taxable income.