Progress in Poland

According to Karol Szadurski, head of UNIA, the Polish employee ownership support organization, there are now over 1,000 companies in Poland with broad employee ownership. Karol's fax to us did not indicate what percentage of these were majority employee owned.

Progress Through Business Offers a New Web Resource

Progress Through Business, a nonprofit organization, has launched a new website, Progress Daily, with daily updates on a number of topics connecting business with social welfare, including employee ownership.

Progressive Policy Analyst Releases Report on ESOPs

Jared Bernstein, the former chief economic advisor to Joe Biden and an influential thinker among left-leaning policy makers, released a report on January 26 titled Employee Ownership, ESOPs, We

Prominent ESOP Companies Announce New CEOs

Todd Jones, who began his career at Publix Supermarkets 36 years ago as a store clerk, will become the company's CEO in April. Publix has consistently been ranked #1 on the NCEO list of majority employee-owned companies.

Promising Developments in China on Employee Ownership

Prospects for employee ownership continue to look promising in China. As we have already reported, several local governments have been privatizing enterprises they own through employee ownership.

Proposed Definition of Fiduciary Expected in August

The Department of Labor announced that it expected to re-propose its definition of a plan fiduciary in August. The new definition, expected to affect ESOP appraisers, is now called the "conflict-of-interest" rule.