Reaction to Iowa Governor's ESOP Initiative

In response to Iowa Governor Terry Branstad's January announcement that promoting employee ownership would be one of his administration's top three economic goals, ESOPs seem to be gathering increased press coverage, with legislators endorsing his call and well-known local ESOP companies appearin

Reactions to New Belgium’s Sale

Because New Belgium Brewing has been one of the best-known employee-owned companies in the United States, its prospective sale to the Japanese brewing conglomerate Kirin has provoked many reactio

Reactions to the Sanders Proposal

In its initial reporting on Sen. Sanders' new proposals discussed on this blog, Washington Post reporter Jeff Stein noted that the new proposals are "expected to face significant opposition from the business community."

Rebuilder of Bay Area Freeway That Collapsed ESOP-Owned

The collapse of a section of freeway in the San Francisco area in April made national news. The state of California contracted with employee-owned C.C. Myers, Inc. to repair the critical road, offering bonuses if the project was finished early.

Record Attendance at NCEO/Beyster Institute Annual Conference

The NCEO's 23rd annual conference, held in Chicago jointly with the Beyster Institute, attracted a record turnout, selling out shortly before the conference started. Next year's conference, again with the Beyster Institute, will be in San Francisco April 20-22.

Recoverability of Equity-Based Compensation Deferred Tax Assets

As the stock market slides, more stock options and related deferred compensation instruments are underwater, and the related deferred tax assets may no longer be recoverable, according to an article in the Journal of Accountancy.

Recruitment Tip

When interviewing candidates, your employee ownership plan may not seem that real or salient if it is only company leadership promoting it. You can make it more real by inviting a non-management employee into the interview with people you are hoping to attract.

Reflections on Culture: the National Employee-Owner Summit

At the National Employee-Owner Summit, we spent time with an amazing and diverse group of employee-owners from around the country. Here are three things we learned: (1) getting back together in person was powerful; (2) sharing challenges, not just successes, is valuable; and (3) diversity is one of our superpowers.