Rosen-Case Ownership Book Wins Book Prize

Ownership: Reinventing Capitalism, Companies, and Who Owns What won the 2023 William Foote Whyte and Kathleen King Whyte Book Prize for the best book of the year on shared capitalism.

Roth Court Rules That Stock Is Not "Adequate Security"

In Roth v. Sawyer-Cleator Lumber Co. (CA 8, No. 94-3368, 7/27/95), a U.S. Court of Appeals revisited a case that has been the subject of a number of rulings. Sawyer-Cleator had an ESOP that paid departing employees over 10 years in equal installments with interest.

Round Table Pizza Sold: Employees Get Windfall

Round Table Pizza, a California-based chain of over 440 pizza and, more recently, sports bars, has been both one of the largest pizza restaurant chains and one of the largest employee-owned companies.

Roy Messing Becomes Director of Ohio Employee Ownership Center

Roy Messing, who has worked at the Ohio Employee Ownership Center since 2008, became its director, effective as of July 1. Bill McIntyre, who served as director since the death of OEOC founder John Logue, will remain on staff.

Royal Dutch Shell Wins Employee Ownership Award

The UK's Employee Share Ownership Centre announced yesterday that Royal Dutch Shell had won its award for "the best employee share ownership plan worldwide." The program at Royal Dutch Shell, open to 29,000 employees in 80 countries, offers a 15% discount.

Royal Mail Employees to Get a Share of Company

The new British government plans to privatize part or all of the country's Royal Mail Service in the fall. The plan calls for employees to own part of the company under a share ownership trust.

Run for the NCEO's Board of Directors

Would you like to help the NCEO fulfill its mission to provide accurate, reliable information about employee ownership? If you are interested in serving on our board of directors, please nominate yourself, and if you know someone who would be interested, please encourage them to do so.