Tax Bills Preserve ESOP S Corporation Benefits

The new tax bill passed by Congress (and to be vetoed by the President) preserves the ability for most S Corporation ESOPs to avoid paying unrelated business income tax (UBIT) on their pro-rata share of corporate earnings.

Tax Deferral for Sellers to S Corp ESOPs Included in Bipartisan Bill

On May 5, 2021, the House Ways and Means Committee unanimously passed the SECURE Act 2.0 (H.R. 2954).The bill makes a number of changes to retirement plan law but, unlike the version introduced last year, does not include a provision allowing owners of S corporation ESOPs to get the same Section 1042 tax deferral on the sale of stock to an ESOP trust as owners of C corporation ESOPs can.

Tax Issues in Converting an LLC to an ESOP

Business owners frequently choose to operate as a limited liability company (LLC) because it provides for a less formal governance structure and the option to be taxed as a partnership. But the downside for LLC owners considering an ESOP is that an ESOP must be invested primarily in “employer securities” and LLC membership interests don’t count. The solution is to convert the LLC into a corporation.

Tax Reform and Employee Ownership

The NCEO has updated its special bulletin on tax reform to incorporate the impact of provisions that focus specifically on certain broad-based equity compensation programs in private companies.

Tax Reform and ESOPs

The tax reform framework issued by the Trump Administration, not surprisingly, does not say anything about ESOPs.

Tax Reform and S Corporation ESOPs

The Senate-House conference committee is expected to release the text of the compromise tax reform bill as we write this update, and a vote is expected in both chambers next week.

Tax Reform Initiatives Appear Remote

IRS Commissioner Mark Everson told the National Press Club on March 14 that tax reform is not a high priority for the Administration or Congress, and that the Administration, in particular, shows no interest in moving on the proposals set forth in the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Ref

Tax Time Is Time for Errors on ESPP Tax Calculations

The taxation of employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs) is sufficiently complex that even people who know the field sometimes get confused. So imagine how hard it is for employees to figure it out.