Tech Employees Rate Shared Capitalism as Key Benefit

ComputerWorld asked 38,000 employees in the information technology field what they believe is the best benefit of working for their company. The employees all worked for the 100 companies ranked the best places to work for information technology workers.

Tech Firm Survey Finds Equity Plan Shifts

A February 2006 survey of 90 high-tech companies by Culpepper & Associates shows that 38% of the companies are cutting back on who is eligible for equity-based pay, 3% are expanding eligibility to lower levels, and 59% are keeping their existing penetration.

Temporary AMT Relief Bills Introduced in Congress

Richard Neal (D-MA) and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) in the House and Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) in the Senate have introduced parallel legislation that would curtail the tax on incentive stock options exercised in 2000 and subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) in 2001.

Ten Ways to Make Your ESOP Great

Over the last 35 years, we have identified a number of key plan design features and operational practices that help ESOPs succeed.

Termination Rate for ESOPs Seems to Be Slowing

In the past five years, ESOP terminations are running about one-third below their rate in the 1990s. While it is too early to tell if this represents a long-term trend, it also semes unlikely simply to be a statistical fluke.