The First 100 Days of the NCEOX Initiative

It has been just over 100 days since the Employee Ownership Expansion Network and the National Center for Employee Ownership announced the official collaboration of our organizations at the NCEO conferen

The IRS Releases 2017 Limits

The IRS released its 2017 limits for retirement plans, several of which directly affect ESOPs.

The IRS, ESOPs, and the Greater Good

On August 9, the IRS issued a press release warning about tax avoidance in employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) transactions.

The Moench Presumption in the Second Circuit

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals (New York, Connecticut, and Vermont), along with the Third, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth and Eleventh Circuits, has adopted the Moench presumption, which holds that a plan fiduciary's choice to continue offering company stock as an option for plan participants is

The NC State Center Is Hiring an Executive Director

Across the U.S. there is a burgeoning and vibrant network of state centers for employee ownership that are working to get the word out about ESOPs, worker cooperatives, employee ownership trusts (EOTs), and other forms of broad-based ownership for businesses.

The NCEO Announces Its New Board Members

The next term of the NCEO's board of directors begins on April 1, 2021, and I am delighted to announce who will be joining our board of directors for this term.

The NCEO Board of Directors

Thank you to all who voted in the NCEO's board election. Please join us in welcoming our newest board members, whose terms will begin on April 1:

The NCEO ESOP CEO Network: Join the 2022 Cohort

During the 2019 Employee Ownership Conference, 15 CEOs convened in a conference room (imagine that!) in the Pittsburgh Convention Center for an interest meeting that spawned the first cohort of the ESOP CEO Network.