UK Stock Options Incentives Set to Pass

According to the Employee Share Ownership Centre in London, the Blair government has introduced legislation that would expand the existing Enterprise Management Incentive plan.

UK Think Tank Advocates Changes in Employee Ownership Law

In a new paper, Capital Gains: Broadening Company Ownership in the UK Economy, Matthew Lawrence and Nigel Mason of the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice propose broad policy proposals to share the benefits of capi

UK to Celebrate Employee Ownership Day

In recognition of the flurry of employee ownership activity in the UK, in terms of both legislation and new business, the UK's Employment Relations and Consumer Minister Jo Swinson announced that July 4 will be Employee Ownership Day.

UK to Ease Rules for Share Plans

The British government will make changes to the Companies Act of 2006 to make it easier for employees to own shares, most significantly for closely held companies.

UK to End "Shares for Rights" Plan

On November 23, the United Kingdom's chancellor, Philip Hammond, announced that the government would end the tax benefits associated with "employee shareholder status" (ESS) and would abolish the status itself at the next legislative opportunity.

UK: 2012 Saw a 10% Increase in Employee-Owned Businesses

The Employee Ownership Association of the UK released its report on events in employee ownership in 2012, noting that the number of employee-owned businesses increased by 10% during the year and citing the major government efforts in support of employee ownership.

UK: Tax Relief Proposed; "Rights for Shares" Defeated

The 2013 UK budget includes £50 million ($76 million) for "a capital gains tax relief on the sale of a controlling interest in a business into an employee ownership structure" and notes that the intent will be to include this relief in the 2014 finance bill.