Unemployment and Employee Ownership

Writing in Forbes, Darren Dahl examines the relationship between employee ownership and unemployment, sharing results fr

United Airlines in an Alternate Reality

Writing in a Forbes blog post, Bill Fotsch and John Case contrast the behavior of employee-owners and the decision by United Airlines to forcibly remove a passenger from an o

United ESOP Trustees to Start Selling Some Shares

Trustees of United Airline's ESOP will start selling shares in the plan in order to provide some diversification in the face of a possible bankruptcy filing. Reports indicate up to 20% of the shares could be sold now, and perhaps more later.

United Kingdom Celebrates Employee Ownership Day

On July 4, politicians, academics, government agencies, and employee-owned businesses participated in more than 100 events throughout the United Kingdom to celebrate the country's first employee ownership day.

United Launches New Ownership Advertising Campaign

United Airlines has started an extensive series of print and electronic media ads stressing its employee owned character. The ads were kicked off by three page ads in major papers.

United Parcel Service to Become Employee-Owned

Since 1945, United Parcel Service (UPS) has been broadly owned by its 28,000 management and supervisory personnel. Now the 315,000-employee company will make ownership available to all full-time employees.