Virgin America's Employee-Owners

When Virgin America took its stock public on November 13, 13.3 million shares became available to the public markets. In an unusual features of the deal, an employee ownership plan sold shares worth just under $5 million.

Virginia Allows ESOPs in Some Professional Corporations

Virginia has joined North Carolina and Minnesota in allowing professional corporations to form ESOPs. There are, however a number of requirements. First, the law applies only to accounting, engineering, architecture, land survey, and interior design firms. Medical and law practices are excluded.

Virginia Commission Recommends Promoting ESOPs

The Commonwealth Competition Council and the Secretary of Administration in Virginia have issued a report that recommends the state enact legislation to promote the use of ESOPs in the private sector and in the process of privatizing state-owned or operated entities.

Voices of Employee Ownership

Employee-owned National Van Lines produced a video, featuring the stories of its former owners and its current employee-owners.

Wall Street Journal Features ESOPs

The February 7 issue of the Wall Street Journal has a full page of articles on ESOPs. The story was the result of a suggestion to Journal reporters from the NCEO.

Was Kelso Right After All?

Most economists have long argued that as productivity goes up, so do wages and, ultimately, employment. Therefore, if technology increases productivity, more people will be working for more money. Since the industrial revolution, this notion has been well confirmed by actual experience.

Ways and Means Majority Supports ESOP S Corporation Benefits

A majority of the members of the House Ways and Means Committee have written a letter to the committee's chair and ranking minority member opposing President Clinton's budget proposal to eliminate the UBIT exemption for ESOPs in S corporations.

We The Owners Makes Splash at Film Festivals

We the Owners, a documentary about employee ownership in the United States, has been officially selected to screen at the California Independent Film Festival next week, marking the seventh film festival for which it is a selection.