We the Owners: Trailer

Attendees at our annual conference saw the unveiling of the 4:30-minute trailer of the new film We the Owners: Employees Expanding the American Dream. The trailer is now available to the public at www.wetheowners.com

Wealth Gap Grows

New data show that the gap in income and wealth between the rich and poor has continued to increase. According to New York University economist Edward Wolff, in 1977, 43.2% of the households owned stock, but 90% of the shares were owned by the top 10% of the shareholders.

Web Site Lists ERISA Company Stock Suit Settlements

Fiduciary Counselors, an independent fiduciary company, has compiled a very useful table of all the settlements involving employer stock as well as other ERISA class action litigation over the last 10 years.

Welcome to the NCEO's New Directors

The NCEO is proud to welcome one new member to our board of directors, along with four incumbents who will be returning. Suzanne McDowell, a co-CEO of King Arthur Flour, will be joining the board for the term beginning on April 1, 2018.

Welcome, Simone

The NCEO welcomes our newest staff member, Simone Sheridan. Simone is our data and membership manager, so many of you will be hearing from her whenever there are any changes in your membership status or information.

Wellness Issue Brief a Best-Seller

Our issue brief "Wellness Programs and Employee Ownership" has become the fastest-selling issue brief in our history, with more than 300 sold so far. The brief can be purchased for $15 for NCEO members and $25 for non-members in PDF format or in print (add $5 for shipping for print copies).

WeWork Spinoff Conductor Becomes Employee-Owned

The troubled firm WeWork bought the SEO and content marketing company Conductor in 2018 for $120 million. After WeWork announced it would spin off Conductor, the company's founder Seth Besmertnik reported that he—and all 250 of his coworkers—would be the new owners.