Will Subchapter S Reforms Really Help ESOPs?

1996 tax law changes are unlikely to create many new ESOPs in Subchapter S companies. That's the conclusion reached by Bob Stiles of Liberty Check Printers in Mounds View, MN, the first Subchapter S company to set up an ESOP after the new law was passed.

Will the New Executive Compensation Rules Matter?

The financial reform legislation requires non-binding shareholder votes on executive pay; more stringent rules for the independence of compensation consultants; the expansion of existing stock exchange rules prohibiting brokers from voting uninstructed shares held in street names on some issues t

Wilmington Trust and DOL Reach $88M Settlement

In a press release issued on April 30, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced that it had reached an agreement with Wilmington Trust "to pay a combined $80 million to 21 employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) for which it serv

Winning Workplaces Self-Nominations Now Available

Over the last few years, one-third of the winners of the Winning Workplaces awards have gone to NCEO members and employee ownership companies (all the winning employee ownership companies have been members, it turns out). The process for self-nomination is open again.

Winning Workplaces Videos on Employee Ownership

Five of the ESOP companies that have been named as winners of the annual Winning Workplaces award talk about their cultures in a useful compilation of short videos [link no longer active].