Preparing for a CEO Transition or Retirement

Learn what critical steps to take in the months/years leading up to a CEO transition to better ensure a seamless transition and that the business will not lose momentum.
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Responsibilities of an Internal ESOP Fiduciary

As an internal ESOP fiduciary, you have substantial legal responsibilities. This webinar will discuss what fiduciaries do, how they can deal with audits and avoid lawsuits.
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2021 ESOP Corporate Governance Survey results now available

The survey report presents data on board composition, director compensation, trustee types, trustee compensation, and other governance topics, drawing on responses from 302 ESOP company respondents. Data is broken out by industry, percent ESOP, corporate type, number of employees, age of plan, and revenue.

Finding Diverse Candidates for ESOP Boards

Many ESOP companies are looking to diversify their board membership but have a hard time knowing where to look. Board members tend to come from existing networks of CEOs, and tend to be older white males.