The 2022 National ESOP Database Is Now Available

The 2022 ESOP database is now available, containing comprehensive information about every ESOP in the US. This database breaks out privately held and publicly traded ESOPs, and includes the age of the ESOP, number of participants, total plan assets, and more. 

Equity Compensation Considerations for ESOP Companies

What is an equity-based long-term incentive plan (“LTIP”), and how many ESOP companies have them? How can LTIPs help retain key executives and align their interests with those of ESOP participants? This session will answer these questions and more.
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2020 ESOP Executive Compensation Survey Results Now Available

Results from our 2020 ESOP Executive Compensation Survey, containing detailed compensation data from 424 ESOP companies, are now available. The survey report includes breakouts by company size (revenue and employee count), industry, percent ESOP ownership, age of ESOP, and S/C corporation status.

2021 ESOP Corporate Governance Survey results now available

The survey report presents data on board composition, director compensation, trustee types, trustee compensation, and other governance topics, drawing on responses from 302 ESOP company respondents. Data is broken out by industry, percent ESOP, corporate type, number of employees, age of plan, and revenue.

2021 to 2022 Academic Fellowships in Employee Ownership

The Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing invites applications from doctoral students and pre/post tenure scholars for the 2021–2022 research fellowship competition.

2022 ESOP Executive Compensation Survey Report Now Available

The NCEO’s 2022 ESOP Executive Compensation Survey report is now available. The report draws on data from 380 ESOP companies surveyed online in June-August 2022, collecting detailed information on base pay, cash incentives, stock-based compensation, and retirement contributions for eight common executive positions at ESOP companies. .