Australia's Government Is Latest to Propose Promoting Employee Ownership

In the factsheet Budget 2021-2022: Tax Incentives to Support the Economy (PDF, page 10), released on May 11, the treasury of Australia announced that it would propose reforms to enhance employee ownership. The reforms, if enacted as proposed, would change the time at which taxes are due on income from tax-deferred employee share schemes (ESS), which is currently taxed at the cessation of employment.

Australian Government Delays Employee Ownership Reforms

Although it had been considering recommending changes to the rules governing employee ownership in its budget proposal, the government of Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has said it will instead introduce its proposals later in the year.

Australian Government Explores Reform of Employee Ownership

The economics and finance policy committee, composed of members of the governing Liberal/National coalition in the Australian Parliament, met in early March to call for reforms that would encourage more equity compensation and employee ownership in Australia.