Ballot for NCEO Board Is Open

NCEO members in good standing received an invitation this morning to fill out a ballot to elect new directors for the NCEO's board. The nine candidates are:

BBC Reports on Employee Ownership in Scotland

In a March 13 report, the BBC cited Ross Brown, who led a team of researchers from St Andrews, Edinburgh Napier, and Stirling universities in a project on employee ownership in Scotland.

BDO Sets Up ESOP for Its Employees

BDO USA, the U.S.’s sixth-largest accounting and advisory firm, announced it will set up an ESOP that will buy a substantial minority interest in the company.

Be Careful About Deferring Pay in a Startup Company

In an article in CFO Magazine on potential compensation perils for startup companies, Christine Osvald-Mruz warns that many startup companies defer some or even all cash compensati

Be Our 1,000th Speaker?

In 2012, the NCEO started keeping a database of all the people who have spoken at one of our in-person or online events, and that list now includes 998 people, from Abbott to Zorn.

Bear Stearns and Employee Ownership

One of the motifs running through the Bear Stearns implosion stories has been that employees owned 30% of the company, creating echoes of another Enron. The story is more complicated, and we have been at some pains (largely successful) to help reporters understand the differences.

Become an Employee Ownership Ambassador

The NCEO recently launched the Employee Ownership Ambassador program as a resource for companies interested in learning more about employee ownership.

Become Certified in Equity Compensation

The Certified Equity Professional Institute (CEPI) at Santa Clara University offers a certificate for professionals in equity compensation. Learn more about the CEPI and the certification process on its Web site.