BusinessWeek Online Article Argues for Broad-Based Options

The September 20 edition of BusinessWeek Online contains a persuasive article by commentator Chris Farrell (also heard on NPR's "Sound Money" program) titled "Stock Options for All." Farrell argues that CEOs are getting far too much already and could easily give up some of their options to spread

But Will the S Corporation Tax Benefit Last?

Many would argue that Congress did intend to provide an incentive for S corporations to set up ESOPs, but did not intend to provide an incentive for C corporations with ESOPs to switch to S. The tax cost of this oversight could be substantial.

Calibre Wins 2021 Achievement Award at Fall Forum

We gave our annual Achievement Award to Calibre, whose video won for its creativity, humor, and energy. Bridges Health was the runner-up, with an energetic and inclusive video.

California and Colorado Legislatures Consider Major Funding Proposals for ESOPs

Several California Assembly and Senate members have written lettersĀ to the leaders of the Assembly Budget Committee urging inclusion of a $36.5 million appropriation to fund a one-time effort to support employee ownership in the state. A major tax bill in Colorado would provide $10 million in tax credits for conversion to employee ownership.

California Bill Would Provide Major Impetus for Employee Ownership

In what would be the most significant step forward by a state yet, Senator Josh Becker introduced the Expanding Employee Ownership Act, which would provide outreach, financing, and technical assistance for conversions to employee ownership.

California Employee Ownership Program Not Funded

In 2022, the California Employee Ownership Act established the California Employee Ownership Hub within the California Office of Small Business. However, California is facing a budget deficit, and no funds were set aside for the program, throwing the future of the program into serious question.